Reverzne konvertibilný dlhopis 10 % US-Technologie Plus Aktienanleihe 4

ISINAT0000A3GQQ3 WKNRC1GCS Podkladové aktívumWorst of Basket Typ produktuReverzne konvertibilné dlhopisy Plus s bariérou
Splatnosť08.01.2027 Upisovacie obdobie do02.01.2025 Verejná ponuka možnáRakúsko, Nemecko, Taliansko, Maďarsko, Poľsko, Česká republika, Slovensko, Bulharsko, Chorvátsko, Lichtenštajnsko, Rumunsko, Slovinsko
10 % US-Technologie Plus Aktienanleihe 4
AT0000A3GQQ3 Upisovacie obdobie do 02.01.2025
With the 10% US-Technology Plus Reverse Convertible Bond 4 you receive the fixed interest rate of 10% annually. Redemption at the end of term is affected at 100% if all 3 underlying shares (Alphabet, Microsoft & NVIDIA) quote above the barrier at the end of term. If at least one of the 3 shares quotes below the barrier, it results in delivery of shares. Only ...

With the 10% US-Technology Plus Reverse Convertible Bond 4 you receive the fixed interest rate of 10% annually. Redemption at the end of term is affected at 100% if all 3 underlying shares (Alphabet, Microsoft & NVIDIA) quote above the barrier at the end of term. If at least one of the 3 shares quotes below the barrier, it results in delivery of shares. Only the share with the worst performance will be delivered; the value of the delivered shares will be significantly lower than the nominal amount of the Reverse Convertible Bond.


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09:15 - 17:30

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- Poľsko, Maďarsko, Rumunsko, CEE a Východná Európa

09:15 - 16:50

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