IPO in Romania, Raiffeisen Certificates with leverage tradable

IPO in Romania, Raiffeisen Certificates with leverage tradable

6 new Leverage Products based on the romanian Hidroelectrica now available at Vienna and Stuttgart

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks.


Europe's biggest IPO so far this year and the greatest IPO in Romania ever took place: As of july 12, 2023, the 🔔 stock exchange bell rang for the first time for Hidroelectrica (abbreviation: "H20") on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Raiffeisen Certificates makes the share tradable with leverage:

Factor Certificate Longleverage factor 2.00AT0000A36C64
Factor Certificate Longleverage factor 3.00AT0000A36C72
Factor Certificate Longleverage factor 4.00AT0000A36C80
Turbo Certificate Longstrike 100 / barrier 105 / leverage 9.95 (initial*)AT0000A36C56
Turbo Certificate Longstrike 90 / barrier 95 / leverage 5.25  (initial*)AT0000A36C49
Turbo Certificate Longstrike 80 / barrier 85 / leverage 3.50  (initial*)AT0000A36C31


Factor Certificates

  • With a factor certificate you can follow the direction of a share in a leveraged way. Long factor certificates allow disproportionate profits when the share rises. The certificates have a constant leverage factor, no knock-out and no maturity limit (open-end). Factor certificates are not suitable for long-term investment.


Turbo Certificates

  • The turbo for your portfolio, with which you participate in the performance of the share leveraged. Turbo Certificates Long enable disproportionate profits, if the share price rises. If the share price touches or falls below the barrier (knock-out level), the turbo certificate expires prematurely, whereby a total loss is also possible. *Barrier and strike are adjusted daily.


! Please note: Due to the exchange rate between certificate (in EUR) and share (in RON) a deviation from the performance can occur. Even small price movements against the rising market opinion can lead to the loss of a substantial part of the invested capital up to a total loss.


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