RCB certificates with Austrian Ecolabel for the first time


RCB certificates with Austrian Ecolabel for the first time

Press Release - New MSCI® Sustainable Certificates Index

  • Two capital protection certificates awarded
  • Global companies with high sustainability ratings and positive contribution to climate change in an index from MSCI
  • Subscription start: 3 February 2022

As the largest domestic issuer of certificates, Raiffeisen Centrobank AG (RCB) has set itself the goal of also taking a leading role in the area of sustainable investments. The fact that RCB is on the right track in this respect is now confirmed by the first award of the Austrian Ecolabel to two new issues.

Sustainable investment is and remains one of the major megatrends. In the past three years alone, the volume invested in sustainable certificates at RCB has more than quadrupled.

“As an independent quality seal with high credibility and very high recognition value, the Austrian Ecolabel in the financial sector certifies ethically oriented projects and companies that generate profits through sustainable investments. For investors who want their money to be invested sensibly, this seal of approval provides important orientation. We are very pleased that our products are one of the first in Austria to be awarded with it,” says Heike Arbter, member of the Management Board of RCB.

Focus on sustainable certificates for investors

As of 3 February 2022, RCB is therefore launching two new capital protection certificates on the megatrend of sustainable investing for six-week subscription. Based on the MSCI® World Climate Change Top ESG Select 4.5% Decrement Index, RCB issues the two investment products „MSCI World Climate Change Bond 90 %“ (ISIN AT0000A2VCP6) and „MSCI World Climate Change Winner 90 %“ (ISIN AT0000A2VCN1).

“In addition to the traditional ESG ratings, the index also takes into account the positive contribution of each individual company to climate change. With our capital protection certificates, we enable investors to benefit from the future development of this megatrend with a high degree of security and at the same time invest sustainably,” explains Philipp Arnold, Head of Structured Products Sales at RCB.

The “MSCI World Climate Change Winner 90 %” has a term of 5 years, the “MSCI World Climate Change Bond 90 %” of 8 years. Both products are open for subscription until March 14.

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Raiffeisen Centrobank AG (Raiffeisen Centrobank or RCB) is the competence center for derivatives and trading with strong focus on Austria and Central and Eastern Europe. The bank is known as pioneer and market leader in the field of structured products and is the largest domestic Specialist and Market Maker at the Vienna Stock Exchange. RCB is a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG

For further information please contact:

Andrea Pelinka-Kinz
+43-1-71 707-8787 andrea.pelinka-kinz(at)rbinternational.com or

Christine Streibl
+43-1-71 707-8611 christine.streibl(at)rbinternational.com

The Austrian Ecolabel

  • Name: MSCI World Climate Change Bond 90 % Nachhaltiges Zertifikat
  • ISIN: AT0000A2VCP6
  • Erster Bewertungstag: 15.03.2022
  • Laufzeit: 5,5 Jahre
    (Rückzahlungstermin: 18.03.2030)
  • Börsenzulassung: Wien, Stuttgart
  • Name: MSCI World Climate Change Winner 90 % Nachhaltiges Zertifikat
  • ISIN: AT0000A2VCN1
  • Erster Bewertungstag: 15.03.2022
  • Laufzeit: 2,5 Jahre
    (Rückzahlungstermin: 16.03.2027)
  • Börsenzulassung: Wien, Stuttgart
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