With this certificate investors participate at 100% in the performance of the NVIDIA share at the end of the term with a maximum of +90%. In the event of a negative index performance capital protection of 100% takes affect at the end of the term.
Payout Profile:
At the initial valuation date (Closing price on December 18, 2023) the starting value of the underlying and at the final valuation date (Closing price on December 14, 2028) final value is determined. At the final valuation date the closing price of the final value is compared to the starting value and one of the following scenarios will apply:
1) Final value ≥ 190% of the starting value ⇒ redemption at 190%
If the final value is greater or equal to 190% of the starting value, 190% of the nominal value is paid out on the redemption date. This equals the maximum amount of redemption.
2) Final value ≥ 100% of the starting value and < 190% of the starting value ⇒ 100% participation
If the final value is greater or equal to 100% of the starting value but less than 190% of the starting value, certificate will be redeemed on the redemption date according to the performance of the underlying (percentage development from the starting value to the final reference value).
3) Final value < 100% of the starting value ⇒ redemption at 100%
If the final value is less than 100% of the initial value, the capital protection of 100% applies at maturity. In this case, 100% of the nominal value is paid out on the redemption date.
The fixed interest rate is paid out in any case, regardless of the underlying performance.
The 100% capital protection by Raiffeisen Bank International AG only applies at the end ot the term, i.e. during the term the certificate price may drop below 100%, but the investor obtains at least 100% of the nominal value at the maturity date.
The certificate USD Nvidia Winner is denominated in USD. If the cash flows from the certificate (repayment) are later converted into another currency, additional risks as well as opportunities arise from possible fluctuations of the currency price in relation to the nominal value.
The issue price amounts to 100% (nominal value EUR 1,000) within the subscription period. Further information as well as the Key Information Document please find on