Inflation Bond 4


Inflation Bond 4

Annual interest rate = inflation rate*, but at least 2% with 100% capital protection at the end of term


  • Annual interest rate = inflation rate*, but at least 2%

  • 100% Capital protection after 4 years

  • Please note the issuer risk. Further information on the payout profile and risks can be found on the following pages.

The Inflation Bond has an annual interest rate equal to the inflation rate, but at least 2% p.a.. It therefore offers you inflation protection and at the same time, in the event of low inflation rates, a minimum annual yield of 2%.

Underlying: The HICP excluding euro area tobacco is used for the inflation protection bond.

👩🏻‍🏫 Opportunities

  • Yield: Annual interest rate = inflation rate*, but at least 2%
  • Capital protection: 100% of the nominal amount is repaid at maturity (April 2028)
  • Flexibility: tradability on the secondary market, no management fee

⚠️ Risks

  • Yield limitation: The yield is in any case limited to the amount of the annual interest payments
  • During the term: the price may fall below the issue price or the capital protection level

Issuer risk / Bail-in: Certificates are not covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme. Investors are exposed to the risk that Raiffeisen Bank International AG might be unable to fulfil its payment obligations in respect of the described financial instrument such as in the event of insolvency (issuer risk) or an official directive (Bail-in). A total loss of the capital invested is possible - further information ➨


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Your Raiffeisen Certificates Team

  • Name: Inflations-Anleihe 3
  • ISIN: AT0000A39V84
  • Erster Bewertungstag: 07.03.2024
  • Laufzeit: 3,5 Jahre
    (Rückzahlungstermin: 08.03.2028)
  • Börsenzulassung: Wien, Stuttgart
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