DAX® Reverse Bonus 2 – available on secondary market


DAX® Reverse Bonus 2 – available on secondary market

Opportunity to generate 15 % bonus yield at the end of the term as long as the DAX® index does not touch or exceed the barrier (set at 125% of the index starting value).

The German share market recorded substantial price gains in the past months. In June the DAX® index reached its all-time high of 12,951.54 points. Currently, the index quotes above 12,200 points. Investors who consider this upward trend unlikely to continue can position themselves for this scenario with the DAX® Reverse Bonus 2 certificate issued by Raiffeisen Centrobank.

The investment product without capital protection enables investors to obtain a yield of 15% at the end of the term with an initial safety buffer of 25% for the invested capital. Hence, the barrier is set at 125 % of the starting value.

Payout profile:

At the intial valuation date the index starting value (closing price of the DAX® index) and the barrier are determined. As long as, during the observation period, the index never rises by 25% or more compared to its starting value, the bonus mechanism remains active, and investors obtain the bonus amount coming up to EUR 1,150 per EUR 1,000 nominal value at the maturity date.

Should the index rise by 25% or more during the forthcoming three years, the barrier is touched or overcut and the investor will not be paid out the bonus amount. The certificate develops reversely to the underlying. This means, the price of the certificate declines if the underlying rises and vice versa.

Key Facts:

  • ISIN: AT0000A1XBY8
  • Initial valuation date: Sep 15, 2017
  • Observation period: Sep 18, 2017 – Sep 16, 2020
  • Term: 3 years (maturity date: Sep 18, 2020)
  • Listing: Vienna, Frankfurt, Stuttgart

For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43151520484.

The Team Structured Products of Raiffeisen Centrobank

The product described herein is subject to and governed by the Base Prospectus (including all supplements and amendments thereto) approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority. The Base Prospectus is deposited at Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, published on www.rcb.at/SecuritiesProspectus and contains the risks and Terms and Conditions of the product.

Raiffeisen Centrobank AG is subject to supervision by the FMA and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank as well as the ECB, the latter within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (Council Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013).

  • Name: DAX Reverse Bonus
  • ISIN: AT0000A1XBY8
  • Erster Bewertungstag: 15.09.2017
  • Laufzeit: 4 Jahre
    (Rückzahlungstermin: 18.09.2020)
  • Börsenzulassung: Wien, Frankfurt, Stuttgart
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