Certificates in subscription: easily investing


Get to know our latest certificates!

The addition of certificates to the portfolio makes sense in many market situations. Our latest investment products are:

Capital Protection Certificates

AT0000A3DH42 – in subscription until Jul 25, 2024
The certificate Dividend Stocks Winner 116% III offers you a redemption of at least 116% at the end of term (capital protection). In addition, you have the chance of a higher redemption if the underlying rises strongly. The maximum redemption is 136%. Details on the STOXX® Global Select Dividend 100 Price EUR Index as well as the current list ...
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AT0000A3DME5 – in subscription until Jul 25, 2024
The Inflation Bond 7 has an annual interest rate equal to the inflation rate, but at least 2.25% p.a. It therefore offers you inflation protection and at the same time, in the event of low inflation rates, a minimum annual yield of 2.25%.
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AT0000A3DH59 Sustainable certificate – in subscription until Jul 25, 2024
For this certificate Climate Change Bond 104% II there are 2 possible redemption options, depending on the price of the underlying at the end of the term: 1. underlying at or above the starting value: redemption of 120% 2. underlying below the starting value: 104% capital protection at maturity (July 2028) The index methodology (PDF) as well as further ...
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AT0000A3DH67 Sustainable certificate – in subscription until Jul 25, 2024
For this certificate Climate Change Bond 107% II there are 2 possible redemption options, depending on the price of the underlying at the end of the term: 1. underlying at or above the starting value: redemption of 133% 2. underlying below the starting value: 107% capital protection at maturity (July 2028) The index methodology (PDF) as well as further ...
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Bonus Certificates

AT0000A3DG35 – in subscription until Jul 22, 2024
The certificate 4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3 offers you an annual fixed interest rate of 4.35%. At the end of the term, redemption is effected at 100% provided that both underlyings always quoted above the barrier of 39% of their respective starting value during the term. In the event of a barrier violation during the term by at least one of the ...
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AT0000A3DG27 – in subscription until Jul 22, 2024
The certificate 4.85% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3 offers you an annual fixed interest rate of 4.85%. At the end of the term, redemption is effected at 100% provided that both underlyings always quoted above the barrier of 49% of their respective starting value during the term. In the event of a barrier violation during the term by at least one of the ...
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AT0000A3DG43 – in subscription until Jul 22, 2024
Redemption of the nominal value of the certificate Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 5 is effected at 117% provided that the closing price of both underlyings always quotes above the barrier of 49% of their respective starting value during the observation period. In the event of a barrier violation, investors are exposed to full market risk; this means a substantial ...
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Reverse Convertible Bonds

AT0000A3DBL3 – in subscription until Jul 05, 2024
With the 10% US-Technology Plus Reverse Convertible Bond 3 you receive the fixed interest rate of 10% annually. Redemption at the end of term is affected at 100% if all 3 underlying shares (Apple, Microsoft & NVIDIA) quote above the barrier at the end of term. If at least one of the 3 shares quotes below the barrier, it results in delivery of shares. Only the ...
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