Europe Sustainability Winner II 90% – available on secondary market


Europe Sustainability Winner II 90% – available on secondary market

1:1 unlimited participation in a European sustainability index with 90% capital protection at the end of the term (September 2022)

The Europe Sustainability Winner II 90% Guarantee Certificate is based on the STOXX® Europe ESG Leaders Select 30, a leading European benchmark of 30 sustainable stock titles. The certificate addresses security-oriented investors who want to consider ethical, ecological and social criteria to in their investment decision.

Payout Profile:

At the initial valuation date the starting value of the STOXX® Europe ESG Leaders Select 30 index (closing price on Sep 7, 2017) is determined. At the end of term the performance of the index is determined and one of the following scenarios will occur:

  • SCENARIO 1 – positive index performance
    1:1 participation in the index performance,
    e.g.: index +60% → redemption: EUR 1,600
  • SCENARIO 2 – negative index performance
    a) … but ABOVE 90 % of the starting value
    1:1 participation in the index performance,
    e.g.: index -5% → redemption: EUR 950

    b) … and BELOW 90 % of the starting value
    Capital protection of 90% applies at the end of the term,
    e.g.: index -40% → redemption: EUR 900

Key Facts:

  • ISIN: AT0000A1XA13
  • Initial valuation date: Sep 7, 2017
  • Term: 5 years (maturity date: Sep 8, 2022)
  • Public offer in: Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia
  • Listing: Vienna, Frankfurt, Stuttgart

For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43151520484.

The Team Structured Products of Raiffeisen Centrobank

The product described herein is subject to and governed by the Base Prospectus (including all supplements and amendments thereto) approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA). The Base Prospectus has been deposited at the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, published at and contains the risks and terms and conditions of the product.

Raiffeisen Centrobank AG is subject to supervision by the FMA and the Austrian National Bank as well as the European Central Bank within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (Council Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013).

Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: Europa Nachhaltigkeits Winner 90 % 2
  • ISIN: AT0000A1XA13
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: 07.09.2017
  • Czas trwania: 2 lata
    (Data zapadalności: 08.09.2022)
  • Notowanie: Wiedeń, Frankfurt, Stuttgart
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