3 new CECE indices of the Vienna Stock Exchange - tradeable with leverage


3 new CECE indices of the Vienna Stock Exchange - tradeable with leverage

15 new leverage products from Raiffeisen on the Eastern European indices of the Vienna Stock Exchange in Vienna and Stuttgart

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks.


Climate change, geopolitical risks, supply chain security and inflation are the current topics. The Vienna Stock Exchange calculates three additional indices to reflect these topics in the Central and Eastern Europe region.

Brief portrait of the 3 index concepts

  • The CECE® Reshoring Index contains companies that have the potential to benefit from the relocation or diversification of global supply chains to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). CEE offers both attractive framework conditions for manufacturing companies and the necessary security to shorten their supply chains. The CECE RESH currently consists of 12 shares.
  • The CECE® Commodity Producers Index is composed of companies that are active in the production, processing or distribution of commodities. These companies are generally better able to pass on inflationary pressure. The CECE CMDTY currently consists of 16 stocks.
  • The CECE® Clean Energy Index targets the increasing demand for climate-neutral energy production and consists of Austrian and Eastern European companies that use low-emission sources such as wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power to produce energy. The CECE CLEAN currently consists of 9 shares.

Press release of the Vienna Stock Exchange ➨


Leverage products for the rising market, "long"

Raiffeisen Certificates has made these indices tradable with 6 factor certificates: each with leverage 3 and leverage 4.

There are also 9 new turbo certificates with knock-outs on the theme indices.

The leverage products are listed in Vienna and Stuttgart and are suitable if you expect the market to rise.

! Please note: Even small price movements contrary to the rising market opinion can lead to the loss of a substantial part of the capital invested, up to a total loss.

To the leverage products overview ➨


Factor Certificates

  • With a factor certificate, you can follow the direction of the underlying with leverage. Long factor certificates enable disproportionately high profits if the share/index rises. The certificates have a constant leverage factor, no knock-out and no maturity limit. Factor certificates are not suitable for long-term investments.


Turbo Certificates

  • The turbo for your portfolio that allows you to participate in the performance of the share/index with leverage. Long turbo certificates enable disproportionately high profits if the underlying rises. If the share price touches or falls below the barrier (knock-out level), the turbo certificate expires prematurely, whereby a total loss is also possible. Barrier and strike price are adjusted daily.



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Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: CECE® Reshoring in EUR Index
  • ISIN: AT0000A36H85
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: -
  • Czas trwania: 0 lat
    (Data zapadalności: -)
  • Notowanie:
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