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Heike Arbter reelected as EUSIPA chairwoman for the 2nd time

Heike Arbter reelected as EUSIPA chairwoman for the 2nd time

Press release

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Europe Bonus&Safety 21 – available on secondary market

Europe Bonus&Safety 21 – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 20% bonus yield at the end of the term with a low barrier being set at 49% of the index starting value

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
RCB to be integrated into RBI in two phases

RCB to be integrated into RBI in two phases

Press release

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Health Care Express – available on secondary market

Health Care Express – available on secondary market

Opportunity for 5 % annually with the STOXX® Europe 600 Health Care Index at a term of 2-5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Megatrends Winner 90% II – available on secondary market

Megatrends Winner 90% II – available on secondary market

1:1 participation in megatrends without profit limitation and with 90% capital protection at the end of the term (June 2026)

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Megatrends Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Megatrends Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a yield of 30% if megatrends index by STOXX® quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 7-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Europe Sustainability Bond 90% 7 – available on secondary market

Europe Sustainability Bond 90% 7 – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a yield of 30% if Europe’s sustainability index by STOXX® quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 7-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
3% Europe Bonus&Safety 2 – available on secondary market

3% Europe Bonus&Safety 2 – available on secondary market

3-year term, fixed annual interest rate of 3% and a barrier being set at 49% of the index starting value

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Oil & Gas Index Plus Bonus – available on secondary market

Oil & Gas Index Plus Bonus – available on secondary market

Opportunity for 15% bonus yield with unlimited participation upward (no cap) and a barrier at 60% of Europe's oil & gas index by STOXX® Ltd. – observation only at maturity

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
New participation and turbo certificates on oil

New participation and turbo certificates on oil

New attractive product with Brent Crude Oil as underlying

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