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RCB hosts its investor conference digitally

RCB hosts its investor conference digitally

Press release

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Investing with certificates in times of corona crisis

Investing with certificates in times of corona crisis

Certificates tips for the current market environment (07.04.2020)

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SAP Express – available on secondary market

SAP Express – available on secondary market

Opportunity for redemption from the 2nd year onwards at 110% up to 125% at the maximum term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
3% Europe/Global Bonus&Safety 4 – available on secondary market

3% Europe/Global Bonus&Safety 4 – available on secondary market

3% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 49% of two well-known benchmark indices

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
How to invest in oil markets

How to invest in oil markets

A short guide for oil investments in 2020

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USD Oil Bonus Certificate 2 – available on secondary market

USD Oil Bonus Certificate 2 – available on secondary market

Opportunity for bonus yield of 13% at the end of the term with a term of two years and 30% initial safety buffer

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Dividend Stocks Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Dividend Stocks Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a yield of 24% if the STOXX® Global Select Dividend 100 index quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 6-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Sustainability Bond 90% III – available on secondary market

Sustainability Bond 90% III – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a yield of 40% if the global sustainability index by STOXX® quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 8-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Sustainability Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Sustainability Bond 90% II – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a yield of 24% if the global sustainability index by STOXX® quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 6-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
5.7% Health Care Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

5.7% Health Care Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2 year term, fixed annual interest rate of 5.7% and a barrier being set at 59% of Fresenius, Koninklijke Philips and Sanofi

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more