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2% TOP Dividend Stocks Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

2% TOP Dividend Stocks Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

5 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 2% with opportunity to get an extra annual interest rate of 4.1 % and a barrier being set at 49% of the index’ starting value

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Dividend Stocks Bond – available on secondary market

Dividend Stocks Bond – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain an attractive yield of 15% or 30% respectively with 100% capital protection at the end of term (August 2022).

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Oil Bonus Certificate 28 – available on secondary market

Oil Bonus Certificate 28 – available on secondary market

Bonus yield of 7.6% in 1.5 years term with a safety buffer: Barrier at 70%.

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6% Germany Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

6% Germany Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 6% and barrier being set at 55% of the starting value of each share

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Raiffeisen Centrobank awarded by Bucharest Stock Exchange

Raiffeisen Centrobank awarded by Bucharest Stock Exchange

Vienna/Bucharest – Raiffeisen Centrobank AG (RCB) was awarded by Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on Monday evening in Bucharest at the annual Capital Markets Award ceremony as “Best Market Maker”. The event has been a great occasion for the Romanian business community to award persons and institutions who most contributed to the development of the local…

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5.3% ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus – available on secondary market

5.3% ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus – available on secondary market

Annual fixed interest rate of 5.3% and barrier being set at 65% of the starting value of each respective index.

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Sustainability-Winner 2 – available on secondary market

Sustainability-Winner 2 – available on secondary market

100% participation in the positive average performance of the underlying sustainability index with 100% capital protection at the end of term (December 2021)

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Banks Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

Banks Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 30% bonus yield with a low barrier being set at 45% of the index’ starting value

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Europe Bond – available on secondary market

Europe Bond – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain a bonus yield of 14% or 28% respectively with 100% capital protection at the end of term (December 2021).

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Raiffeisen Investment advised Ingram Micro Inc. in the acquisition of majority interest in Armada

Raiffeisen Investment advised Ingram Micro Inc. in the acquisition of majority interest in Armada

Ingram Micro Inc. (NYSE: IM), a leading global wholesale distributor of IT products with sales of $42.6 billion in 2013 completed its purchase of a majority of the outstanding shares of Armada, the largest value-add technology distributor in Turkey with sales of $282 million in 2013.

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