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Sustainability-Winner – available on secondary market

Sustainability-Winner – available on secondary market

100% participation in the positive average performance of the underlying sustainability index with 100% capital protection at the maturity date (November 2021).

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Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on single shares – available on secondary market

Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on single shares – available on secondary market

With a straightforward term of 2 years and the fixed interest rate investors may obtain attractive yields – even in sideways moving markets. Each of the four Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds is based…

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Raiffeisen successfully advises on sale of Concept Group stake to Sistema

Raiffeisen successfully advises on sale of Concept Group stake to Sistema

Raiffeisen acted as the exclusive financial advisor on sale of the Russian Concept Group equity stake to AFK “Sistema” (LSE: SSA). The deal terms entail a sale of 40% equity stake in a holding company…

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4.15% Dividend Stocks Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

4.15% Dividend Stocks Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

5 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 4.15% and a barrier being set at 49% of the starting value of the index

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Gold/Oil Bonus 3 Certificate – available on secondary market

Gold/Oil Bonus 3 Certificate – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain the bonus yield of 18.5% in 3 years term with a safety buffer of 30% of gold and oil

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5.5% Oil Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

5.5% Oil Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 5.5% and barrier being set at 60% of the starting value of each share

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World Shares Winner 2 – available on secondary market

World Shares Winner 2 – available on secondary market

100% participation in the positive average performance of the underlying share basket with 100% capital guarantee at the maturity date (September 2021).

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7.25% German Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

7.25% German Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 7.25% and barrier being set at 60% of the starting value of each share

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Europe Bonus&Safety 11 – available on secondary market

Europe Bonus&Safety 11 – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 25% bonus yield with a low barrier being set at 49% of the index

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Raiffeisen Centrobank with leading Austrian companies in Warsaw

Raiffeisen Centrobank with leading Austrian companies in Warsaw

Vienna/Warsaw – After successful roadshows this year in Frakfurt, Helsinki, London, Prague, Tallinn, Warsaw, Vienna and Zurich, Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) will stop in Poland again tomorrow. More…

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