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Oil Bonus Certificate 23 – available on secondary market

Oil Bonus Certificate 23 – available on secondary market

Bonus yield of 10 % in 18 months term with a comfortable risk buffer: Barrier at 70 %.

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Raiffeisen Centrobank presents the first study on the performance of certificates in Austria

Raiffeisen Centrobank presents the first study on the performance of certificates in Austria

Today Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB), one of the leading issuers of certificates in Austria, presented the first study on the performance of certificates in Austria.

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Ivo Holdener strengthens M&A team of Raiffeisen Centrobank

Ivo Holdener strengthens M&A team of Raiffeisen Centrobank

Vienna – Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) is strengthening its team on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) from today with Swiss investment banker Ivo Holdener (37). He has many years of international experience…

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Raiffeisen Centrobank with leading Austrian companies in Warsaw

Raiffeisen Centrobank with leading Austrian companies in Warsaw

Vienna/Warsaw – After numerous successful roadshows this year in the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark and Sweden, Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB)…

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Raiffeisen Investment Romania successfully advises Advent International on the sale of Deutek

Raiffeisen Investment Romania successfully advises Advent International on the sale of Deutek

Bucharest/Vienna – Advent International, one of the world’s leading firms dedicated solely to private equity, today announced last week the sale of Deutek, Romania’s largest manufacturer of decorative…

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Oil Bonus Certificate 22 – available on secondary market

Oil Bonus Certificate 22 – available on secondary market

Bonus yield of 10 % in 18 months term with a comfortable risk buffer: Barrier at 70 %.

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Raiffeisen Centrobank jointly with Lazard successfully advised Panasonic in creation of strategic alliance with Gorenje

Raiffeisen Centrobank jointly with Lazard successfully advised Panasonic in creation of strategic alliance with Gorenje

Ljubljana/Osaka – In July, Gorenje Group and Panasonic Corporation announced the creation of a long-term strategic alliance that will leverage the combined strengths and capabilities of the two…

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Raiffeisen Investment Turkey MD wins M&A Advisor “40 under 40” award

Raiffeisen Investment Turkey MD wins M&A Advisor “40 under 40” award

Istanbul/New York/Vienna - The M&A Advisor announced the winners of the “40 Under 40 M&A Advisor Recognition Awards”. Gokce Kabatepe, Managing Director of Raiffeisen Investment in Turkey, was named a…

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Raiffeisen Centrobank internationally rewarded

Raiffeisen Centrobank internationally rewarded

London/Vienna –Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) was twice internationally rewarded in the past few weeks. The ACQ Magazine recognised the Austrian investment bank as “CEE Lead M&A Advisory of the Year“ and…

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Europe Express Certificate – available on secondary market

Europe Express Certificate – available on secondary market

Reach your target by express – opportunity to generate yield between 7 % and 21 % with a maximum term of three years.

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