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Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 5 – available on secondary market

Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 5 – available on secondary market

0.5% annual fixed interest rate plus the annual inflation rate, barrier being set at 49% of the EURO STOXX 50® index and a term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
8% Health Care Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

8% Health Care Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2 year term, fixed annual interest rate of 8% and a barrier being set at 59% of Fresenius, Koninklijke Philips and Sanofi

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Andritz Express 3 – available on secondary market

Andritz Express 3 – available on secondary market

Opportunity for yield between 108% and 140% with Andritz share ♻️ with a maximum term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
OMV Express 9 – available on secondary market

OMV Express 9 – available on secondary market

Opportunity for yield between 109% and 145% with a maximum term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Metaverse Bonus&Growth – early closing of the subscription March 31, 2022

Metaverse Bonus&Growth – early closing of the subscription March 31, 2022

Unlimited participation in the positive index price development of Solactive® Metaverse Technology and Services EUR Index 3.5% AR with a barrier being set at 50%

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
3% MSCI World/Europe Sustainability Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

3% MSCI World/Europe Sustainability Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

3% annual fixed interest rate and deep barrier being set at 49% of 2 sustainable indices ♻️ with a term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
2.25% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

2.25% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

2.25% annual fixed interest rate and deep barrier being set at 39% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 3 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
8.5% Automobile Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

8.5% Automobile Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2-year term, fixed annual interest rate of 8.5% and a barrier set at 59% of BMW AG, Mercedes-Benz Group AG and Volkswagen AG

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Deutsche Post Express 3 – available on secondary market

Deutsche Post Express 3 – available on secondary market

Reach Your Target by Express – opportunity for yield between 7.75% and 38.75% with a maximum term of 5 years

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
MSCI World Climate Change Winner 90% – available on secondary market

MSCI World Climate Change Winner 90% – available on secondary market

100% participation in the MSCI® World Climate Change Top ESG Select 4.5% Decrement Index ♻️ up to +25 % performance with 90% capital protection at the end of the 5-year term

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more