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Comprehensive update of the product range

Comprehensive update of the product range

New Investment Products based on German Blue Chips as well as the EURO STOXX 50® and Erste Group Bank

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Europe Twin Win 4 – available on secondary market

Europe Twin Win 4 – available on secondary market

Participation in rising markets or MINUS becomes PLUS: moderate price declines of the underlying are turned into profit for investors.

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European Shares Winner 4 – available on secondary market

European Shares Winner 4 – available on secondary market

Participation in the positive average performance of the share basket with 100% capital guarantee at the maturity date (July 2020).

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6.75% Austrian Shares Bonus 2 – available on secondary market

6.75% Austrian Shares Bonus 2 – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 6.75% and barrier being set at 55% of the starting value of each share

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USD 0.5 % Dividend Stocks Winner – available on secondary market

USD 0.5 % Dividend Stocks Winner – available on secondary market

US-Dollar investment with capital protection at the end of the term: annual interest payment with the opportunity to participate in the positive average performance of the underlying STOXX Select Dividend 100® index, denominated in USD.

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Raiffeisen Centrobank flooded with international awards

Raiffeisen Centrobank flooded with international awards

London/Vienna – Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) was awarded traditional prizes from three leading international finance magazines recently. In the frame of its annual M&A Awards, Acquisition International Magazine elected RCB as „Dealmaker of the Year" in Turkey as well as „Best Investmentbank" in Austria. For the second consecutive year RCB was awarded „Lead…

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Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on single shares – available on secondary market

Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on single shares – available on secondary market

With a straightforward term of 2 years and a fixed interest rate ranging from 10% to 11.5% respectively, investors may obtain attractive yields – even in sideways moving markets. The underlying German shares are: Bayer, Daimler, RWE or Siemens.

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European Shares Winner 3 – available on secondary market

European Shares Winner 3 – available on secondary market

110% participation in the positive average performance of the share basket with 100% capital guarantee at the maturity date (June 2020).

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ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus&Safety – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 30% bonus yield with a low barrier being set at 48%

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6.75% Austrian Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

6.75% Austrian Shares Bonus – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 6.75% and barrier being set at 50% of the starting value of each share.

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