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4.3% EURO STOXX 50® / S&P 500® Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

4.3% EURO STOXX 50® / S&P 500® Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

4-year term, fixed annual interest rate of 4.3% and barrier being set at 49% of the respective starting value

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6.5% Austria Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

6.5% Austria Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2-year term, fixed annual interest rate of 6.5% and barrier being set at 55% of the strike of each share

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ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus Certificate 2 – available on secondary market

ATX®/EURO STOXX 50® Bonus Certificate 2 – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 26% bonus yield with a low barrier being set at 55% of the index

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Europe Dividend Stocks Bond – available on secondary market

Europe Dividend Stocks Bond – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain an attractive yield of 19% or 38% respectively with 100% capital protection at the end of term (May 2022).

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Certificates Award Austria 2015

Certificates Award Austria 2015

RCB again best issuer in Austria

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6.75% Germany Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

6.75% Germany Protect Reverse Convertible Bond – available on secondary market

2 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 6.75% and barrier being set at 55% of the strike of each share

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Europe Express 3 Certificate – available on secondary market

Europe Express 3 Certificate – available on secondary market

Reach your target by express – opportunity to generate a yield of 6% per year with a maximum term of five years

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RCB annual financial report 2014 online

RCB annual financial report 2014 online

Our current annual report is now available for download.

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Europe Twin Win 5 – available on secondary market

Europe Twin Win 5 – available on secondary market

Participation in rising markets or MINUS becomes PLUS: moderate price declines of the underlying are turned into profit for investors.

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USD 4% S&P 500® Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

USD 4% S&P 500® Bonus&Safety - available on secondary market

5 years term, fixed annual interest rate of 4.0% and barrier being set at 30% of the index’ starting value

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