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4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 4

4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 4

4.35% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 39% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 4 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until August 26, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
4.85% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3

4.85% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3

4.85% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 49% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 4 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until July 22, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3

4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 3

4.35% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 39% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 4 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until July 22, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Austrian Certificates Day 2024

Austrian Certificates Day 2024

Title successfully defended: For the 18th subsequent time we are Issuer of the Year

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Best certificate provider in Eastern Europe

Best certificate provider in Eastern Europe

Award renewed 🏆 by the London magazine Capital Finance International

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4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 2

4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety 2

4.35% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 39% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 4 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until June 17, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 35

Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 35

Annual inflation rate in year 1, fixed annual interest rate of 5% year 2-3, barrier at 49% of EURO STOXX 50® Index with a term of 3 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until May 31, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Certificates in subscription

Certificates in subscription

Easily investing: get an overview of our latest certificates 🖋️

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4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety

4.35% Europe/USA Bonus&Safety

4.35% annual fixed interest rate and barrier being set at 39% of 2 benchmark indices with a term of 4 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until May 13, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more
Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 34

Europe Inflation Bonus&Safety 34

Annual inflation rate in year 1, fixed annual interest rate of 4.75% year 2-3, barrier at 49% of EURO STOXX 50® Index with a term of 3 years. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until Apr 26, 2024

An investment in securities involves opportunities and risks. Read more