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Raiffeisen Investment has successfully advised Russian Inter RAO UES Group

Raiffeisen Investment has successfully advised Russian Inter RAO UES Group

Raiffeisen Investment has successfully advised Russian Inter RAO UES Group on the acquisition of Turkish Trakya Elektrik Ankara/Moscow/Vienna - On December 10, 2012, Russian Inter RAO UES Group…

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2 Reverse Convertible Bonds based on voestalpine – available on secondary market

2 Reverse Convertible Bonds based on voestalpine – available on secondary market

Reverse Convertible and Protect Reverse Convertible Bond with a straightforward term of twelve months and a fixed interest rate of 10 % or 8.8 %, respectively.

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Europe PLUS+ Bonus Certificate – available on secondary market

Europe PLUS+ Bonus Certificate – available on secondary market

Opportunity to obtain 30 % bonus yield with a barrier being set at 50 % of the index’ starting value.

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Index Bond – available on secondary market

Index Bond – available on secondary market

Four broad diversified indices: EURO STOXX 50®, ATX®; S&P 500® and S&P BRIC 40, with 100 % capital guarantee at the maturity date and the opportunity for repayment of 135 % (December 2018).

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RCB Award: „Best in Central and Eastern Europe“

RCB Award: „Best in Central and Eastern Europe“

We are pleased to inform you that Raiffeisen Centrobank made it to the very top for the third time at this year’s Structured Products Europe Awards in London. After 2007 and 2010 we became again…

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Germany Bond PLUS – subscription period closed as of Nov, 14, 2012

Germany Bond PLUS – subscription period closed as of Nov, 14, 2012

Four German Blue Chips: Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, ThyssenKrupp and Volkswagen, with 100 % capital guarantee at the maturity date and the opportunity for repayment of 145 % (November 2017).

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2 Reverse Convertible Bonds based on RBI – available on secondary market

2 Reverse Convertible Bonds based on RBI – available on secondary market

Reverse Convertible and Protect Reverse Convertible Bond with a straightforward term of twelve months and a fixed interest rate of 13 % or 11.5 %, respectively.

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Raiffeisen Investment Turkey successfully completed signing of the sale of Balnak Lojistik to Borusan Group

Raiffeisen Investment Turkey successfully completed signing of the sale of Balnak Lojistik to Borusan Group

Istanbul - Balnak Lojistik announced today that the shareholders signed an agreement to divest their full stake to Borusan Lojistik. Closing of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and…

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Raiffeisen Investment acts as financial advisor on financing the construction of Acron Group’s Talitsky mine.

Raiffeisen Investment acts as financial advisor on financing the construction of Acron Group’s Talitsky mine.

Acron Group attracts Vnesheconombank, Eurasian Development Bank and Russia’s Raiffeisenbank to finance the construction of the Talitsky mine Moscow – The Acron Group has attracted Russian and…

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5 % ATX®/DAX® Bonus&Safety 2 – subscription period closed as of Oct, 31, 2012

5 % ATX®/DAX® Bonus&Safety 2 – subscription period closed as of Oct, 31, 2012

Annual fixed coupon of 5 % p.a. and extremely low barrier being set at 35 % of the starting value of the respective index.

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