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Raiffeisen Investment has successfully completed the sale of Nine West business of ParkBravo Group to Landmark Group

Raiffeisen Investment has successfully completed the sale of Nine West business of ParkBravo Group to Landmark Group

Raiffeisen Investment acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to ParkBravo Group on the transaction.

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RCB Investors' Conference in Zürs sees record participation of companies and investors

RCB Investors' Conference in Zürs sees record participation of companies and investors

Traditional Investors' Conference of Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) from April 10 to April 12, 2013More than 60 companies and 150 investors expected to participateAbout 1,000 group talks and one-on-ones …

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Oil Bonus Certificate 21 – available on secondary market

Oil Bonus Certificate 21 – available on secondary market

Bonus yield of 14 % in 18 months term with a comfortable risk buffer: Barrier at 70 %.

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Raiffeisen Investment Poland successfully closes two transactions in 1st quarter 2013

Raiffeisen Investment Poland successfully closes two transactions in 1st quarter 2013

Raiffeisen advised on sale of Eolica Kisielice Sp zoo to Impax Asset Management Group plcRaiffeisen advised AFG Arbonia-Forster-Holding on acquisition of a leading windows manufactures in Poland -…

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Raiffeisen Investment acted as the exclusive sell-side financial advisor to IDK Medical Company on the sale process

Raiffeisen Investment acted as the exclusive sell-side financial advisor to IDK Medical Company on the sale process

Moscow – MD Medical Group Investments Plc, Russia’s leading provider of private women’s and children’s healthcare, announced the proposed acquisition of 100% of Vitanostra Ltd, operator of the IDK…

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Dividend Stocks Winner – available on secondary market

Dividend Stocks Winner – available on secondary market

100 % participation in the positive average performance of the STOXX Global Select Dividend 100® Index with 100 % capital guarantee at the end of the term (March 2019).

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4 Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on Austrian underlyings – available on secondary market

4 Protect Reverse Convertible Bonds based on Austrian underlyings – available on secondary market

With a straightforward term of twelve months and a fixed interest rate between 6.5 and 7.5 % investors may obtain attractive yields – even in sideways moving markets.

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Europe Bonus – available on secondary market

Europe Bonus – available on secondary market

Bonus yield of 22 % in 4 years term with a significant risk buffer: Barrier at 50 % of the EURO STOXX 50®.

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Europe Twin Win – available on secondary market

Europe Twin Win – available on secondary market

Benefit from rising and marginally declining prices: as long as the barrier is not violated, investors will benefit from price increases as well as from declines down to the barrier.

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Index Bond 3 – available on secondary market

Index Bond 3 – available on secondary market

Four broad diversified indices: EURO STOXX 50®, DAX®; S&P 500® and S&P BRIC 40, with 100 % capital guarantee at the maturity date and the opportunity for repayment of 138 % (February 2020).

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