Best certificate provider in Eastern Europe


Award renewed 🏆 by the London magazine Capital Finance International

The Raiffeisen Certificates team at Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) has received yet another award: the renowned Capital Finance International (CFI) magazine recently named RBI “Best Structured Products Bank CEE 2024” once again. This award recognizes the pioneering role and the broad range of structured products for the markets in Eastern Europe. Tailored to the needs of local investors, Raiffeisen issues common types of certificates such as capital protection, bonus and express certificates, as well as leveraged products in the respective local currency.

In its official statement, the jury described RBI as a thought leader and educator in the financial sector. With educational offerings in the local language such as training for advisors, webinars or participation in conferences and trade fairs for private investors, the Raiffeisen Certificates team demonstrates an extraordinary understanding of the markets and the needs of customers.

Together with RBI's Eastern European network banks, it has thus succeeded in successively expanding the certificates business in the regional markets. The jury statement explicitly emphasizes the successful business activities in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. With around 2,500 certificates and warrants on 110 different underlyings, Raiffeisen Certificates is an important provider on the WSE (Warsaw Stock Exchange).


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Easy to reach and personally on hand to answer any questions. That's what we are at Raiffeisen Certificates, because we attach great importance to being there for you when you need us.

Raiffeisen Certificates Team
T: +431717075454
E: info(at)