Index Bond 2 – subscription period closed early as of Jan. 16, 2013

Four broad diversified indices: EURO STOXX 50®, ATX®; S&P 500® and S&P BRIC 40, with 100 % capital guarantee at the maturity date and the opportunity for repayment of 131 % (February 2019).

The Index Bond 2 Guarantee Certificate of Raiffeisen Centrobank enables investors to generate an overall yield of 31 %, provided that each of the four blue chips quotes above the 60 % barrier during the observation period. At the end of the term one of the three scenarios will occur:

  • SCENARIO 1: 31 % yield + 100 % nominal value. Provided that during the observation period each of the four indices always quotes above the barrier, 131 % nominal value are paid out at the end of the term (equivalent to a maximum payout of EUR 1,310.00 per certificate).
  • SCENARIO 2: 100 % nominal value (capital guarantee). In case the barrier is violated by even merely one index, the investor obtains 100 % nominal value (capital guarantee) at the end of the six-year term.

This means: in order to generate the maximum yield of 31 % at the end of the term, the underlying indices do not necessarily need to increase in price, but must not decline by 40 % or more compared to the respective starting value during the observation period.

Therefore the certificate qualifies for investors who expect medium-term stable share prices and no price slumps by 40 % or more. In addition, the product provides for a high degree of security: 100 % capital guarantee at the end of the term.

Key Facts:

ISIN: AT0000A0Y1M9

Initial valuation date: Feb 04, 2013

Term: 6 years (maturity date: Feb 05, 2019)

Listing: Vienna, Stuttgart, Frankfurt

Further information is available at the product page: Index Bond 2

For more details kindly see the Product Folder (PDF).

This product, the risks and terms and conditions associated with it, are subject to and governed by the Base Prospectus (including all supplements and amendments thereto) approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority, which has been deposited at Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG and is published on

For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43 1 515 20-484.

The Team Structured Products of Raiffeisen Centrobank