Gold Shark Bond (USD) – available on secondary market


Gold investment with 100% capital protection at the end of term (September 2021)

The Guarantee Certificate Gold Shark Bond (USD) enables investors to participate at 100% in the positive performance of the gold price, provided that the gold price never increases by 60% or more (barrier of 160% of the starting value). In case of a negative gold price performance the capital protection of 100% applies at the end of the term (September 2021). However, in case the gold price reaches 160% once, the investor receives redemption of 110% at the end of the term irrespective of further gold price development.

Payout Profile:

At the initial valuation date the starting value of gold (London p.m. fixing) and the barrier (160% of the starting value) are determined.

REDEMPTION of the nominal value at the end of the term depends on the performance of the price of gold. The daily p.m. fixing of gold is compared with the barrier. At the final valuation date one of the following two scenarios will occur:

  • SCENARIO 1: Gold p.m. fixing is always BELOW the barrier
    If the daily p.m. fixing of gold quoted below 160% of its starting value during the observation period, the positive performance is paid out with a participation factor of 100% in addition to the nominal value of USD 1,000. Due to the barrier the redemption value is limited to 159,99% of the nominal. Therefore the amount of USD 1,599.99 represents the maximum redemption amount per nominal value.
  • SCENARIO 2: Gold p.m. fixing TOUCHED or exceeded the barrier
    If the daily p.m. fixing of gold touched or exceeded the barrier of 160% of its starting value during the term, investors obtain the nominal value of USD 1,000 plus a fallback coupon of USD 100 per nominal value at the maturity date, i.e. redemption amount at the maturity date in this scenario is fixed at USD 1,100.

Key Facts:

  • ISIN: AT0000A1N961
  • Term: 5 years (maturity date: Sep 07, 2021)
  • Public offer in: Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia
  • Listing: Vienna, Frankfurt, Stuttgart

Further information is available at the product page: Gold Shark Bond (USD)

For more details kindly see the Product Folder (PDF).

For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43 1 515 20-484.

The Team “Structured Products” of Raiffeisen Centrobank

This product, the risks as well as terms and conditions associated with it, are subject to and governed by the Base Prospectus (including all supplements and amendments thereto) approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority, which has been deposited at Österreichische Kontrollbank AG and is published on

Key facts:
  • Name: USD Gold Shark Bond
  • ISIN: AT0000A1N961
  • Initial valuation date: Sep 05, 2016
  • Term: 3 years
    (Maturity date: Sep 07, 2021)
  • Listing:
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