Certifikáty - vysvětleno!
Všechny certifikáty podléhají tržnímu riziku, riziku emitenta a riziku bail-in. Investice do certifikátů jsou spojeny s riziky, a to až do výše kapitálových ztrát.
Certificates are a type of bond. They relate to one or more underlying asset(s) (for example, shares or share indices). The payout schedule is always clear and transparent. Depending on the certificate, you can also make profits if prices remain unchanged or even fall to a limited extent. Clear criteria, such as how the underlying asset changes, determine the repayment.
To learn more about certificates, visit the knowledge section →
Securities can rise, fall or remain unchanged. Our product range offers certificates that can be suitable for any of the three price developments.
Certificates with capital protection or safety buffer allow you to significantly reduce your risk. In addition, invest in a topic that arouses your interest. For example, the underlying of a certificate can be in the field of environmental protection.
You can find more information about certificates at knowledge section →
Certificates are suitable for everyone. Because: certificates cover different needs. Do you have a high need for security? Then capital protection certificates are suitable. Your need for protection is not quite as high? Then Bonus or Express Certificates are well suited. If a high risk is just right for you, then the earnings opportunities are also higher - take a closer look at leverage products.
You can already invest in certificates with small amounts of money.
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A certificate has one or more underlyings. These can be shares, indices or commodities, for example. The price of this underlying can remain unchanged, rise or fall. Depending on how the underlying asset develops, determines your repayment at the maturity date. These payout profiles are always transparently defined. During the term you can also sell your certificate. To do so, you can find the current price of your certificate on our website at any time.
If you would like to delve deeper into the world of certificates, we recommend the Zertifikate-Wissen Kompakt brochure (German) →
To buy a certificate, you need a securities account. This securities account can be with Raiffeisen in Austria or another bank. The purchase is simply handled at your bank advisory service or online via a direct bank. A certificate can be found at any time by the unique ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) or the product name and can be bought or sold flexibly during trading hours.
At raiffeisenzertifikate.at you will always find up-to-date information and prices.
A subscription period is the period during which you can acquire a security at a fixed price (issue price) before it starts trading. The subscription period for Raiffeisen Certificates lasts around four weeks. You can subscribe directly or online via the bank where your securities custody account is held. After the subscription period (primary market), the term of the certificate (secondary market) begins. The certificate can be bought or sold on the secondary market at the current price.
On an ongoing basis you will find on our website new investment products in subscription →
All types of securities have opportunities and risks. One of the risks is that the issuer of your certificate may not be able to meet its payment obligations. This may be due to insolvency (issuer risk) or official orders ("bail-in"). In these cases, the total loss of the investment may occur. The issuer of Raiffeisen Certificates is Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
In addition, there is the market risk. This is the risk of possible losses arising from changes in the market prices of certain underlyings.
Our product range
Your need for safety when investing money is high? Then we have the capital-protected investment products. Some certificates can also be a solution for speculative investors. For the orientation of investors, we divide the product range into 3 categories: Capital protection products, partial protection products and leverage products.
As you can see: The range is diverse. The ratio of opportunities and risks is always in balance. The choice of certificate type is decisive for the potential risk of loss.
Investment products with capital protection
Capital protection certificates are ideal as an entry point into the world of securities. In short: You can completely protect your invested capital at maturity date and still have the opportunity to profit from the opportunities on the stock market. At 5 to 6 years, the term is usually longer than with other certificates. Show investment products with capital protection →
Investment products without capital protection
These include Bonus Certificates, Express Certificates and Reverse Convertible Bonds. Because these investment products have partial protection, the risk is reduced compared to investing in the underlying asset - e.g. share, share index or ETF. Investment products without capital protection also include Index and Participation Certificates, which follow the underlying asset one-to-one and are open-ended. Show investment products without capital protection →
Leverage products
Leverage products are suitable for investors with extensive capital market experience. If you are a risk-averse investor, this is the right place for you. With Turbo and Factor Certificates or Warrants you can profit disproportionately from price movements of the underlying with a small investment. It is important to note here: Not only the opportunity but also the risk increases. A total loss of the investment can be possible even with a slight deviation in the price trend. Show leverage products →
Do you have further questions? To delve deeper, discover our knowledge section for more info →
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Easy to reach and personally on hand to answer your questions. That's what we are at Raiffeisen Certificates, because we attach great importance to being there for you when you need us.
- Certificate Hotline +431 71707 5454
- info(at)raiffeisencertificates.com
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