Pharma Stocks Bond 106%


Pharma Stocks Bond 106%

7.5% interest opportunity annually and 106% capital protection at the end of the 6-year-term. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until October 17, 2024

How the certificate works

The certificate offers capital protection of 106% at the end of the 6 year term. In addition, there is the opportunity to receive an interest payment of 7.5% each year. This interest rate is paid out if all 3 underlying shares (Fresenius, Roche & Sanofi) quote at or above their starting value on the annual valuation date. If this is not the case, no interest rate is paid out for the corresponding year.


The certificate consists of three underlyings from the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector:

  • Fresenius is an international healthcare group that offers specialised products and services for dialysis, hospital care and outpatient care.
  • Roche has developed into one of the world's largest biotechnology companies and is a leader in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Through the increased use of data-based medical insights, Roche offers comprehensive personalised healthcare.
  • Sanofi is a global pharmaceutical company specialising in the research, development and marketing of innovative therapies for rare diseases, immunology and cancer


 👉 The payout profile applies at the end of the term

  • Capital protection: In any case, 106% of the nominal value will be paid out at the end of the term.
  • Yield opportunity: is limited to the amount of the possible interest payments.
  • Loss of value due to inflation is not covered by the capital protection.

During the term

  • Flexibility: You can buy and sell the certificate during trading hours at the current price.
  • The price may drop below the issue price or the level of capital protection.

⚠️ Issuer risk / Bail-in

Certificates are not covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme. Investors are exposed to the risk that Raiffeisen Bank International AG might be unable to fulfil its payment obligations in respect of the described financial instrument such as in the event of insolvency (issuer risk) or an official directive (Bail-in). A total loss of the capital invested is possible - further information ➨

An investment in investment products is associated with opportunities and risks. Please note the issuer risk.


Základní údaje:
  • Jméno: Pharma-Aktien Bond 106 %
  • ISIN: AT0000A3EK46
  • Upisovací období: 06.09. - 17.10.2024
  • Datum fixace: 18.10.2024
  • Splatnost: 6 let
    (Datum splatnosti: 21.10.2030)
  • Kótováno na burze: Vídeň, Stuttgart
  • Emisní cena: 100,00 %
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