NVIDIA Express 2


Opportunity for yield between 112.5% and 162.5% with a maximum term of 5 years and decreasing termination level. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until July 31, 2024

  • Underlying: NVIDIA share

  • 12.5% annual yield opportunity, 1-5 year term and decreasing termination level

  • 60% barrier (only active at maturity),
    market risk if the barrier is violated

  • An investment in investment products is associated with opportunities and risks. Please note the issuer risk.


The share of NVIDIA share serves as underlying for the certificate. NVIDIA is one of the largest developers of graphics processors and chipsets for computers, servers and game consoles.

During the term

  • Flexibility: You can buy and sell the certificate during trading hours at the current price.
  • The price of the certificate is subject to various influencing factors, including the performance of the underlying assets, their fluctuation range, correlation and dividend expectations as well as the interest rate level. This price may fall below the issue price and fluctuate sharply, especially if the underlying is close to the barrier.

⚠️ Issuer risk / Bail-in

Certificates are not covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme. Investors are exposed to the risk that Raiffeisen Bank International AG might be unable to fulfil its payment obligations in respect of the described financial instrument such as in the event of insolvency (issuer risk) or an official directive (Bail-in). A total loss of the capital invested is possible - further information ➨

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Základní údaje:
  • Jméno: NVIDIA Express 2 Udržitelný certifikát
  • ISIN: AT0000A3DTK7
  • Datum fixace: 01.08.2024
  • Splatnost: min. 0,5 let, max. 4,5 roky
  • Kótováno na burze: Vídeň, Stuttgart
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