MSCI World Climate Change Bond 112% II - in subscription


Opportunity to obtain a yield of 35% if the ♻️ MSCI® World Climate Change Top ESG Select 4.5% Decrement index quotes at/above the starting value at the end of the 6-year term

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Sustainable financial product with the Austrian Ecolabel

This certificates complies with Raiffeisen Certificates sustainability standard and takes into account important adverse impacts on sustainability factors (Principal Adverse Impacts - PAIs for short). 
For further information please see:

The certificate MSCI World Climate Change Bond 112% II is based on the ♻️ MSCI® World Climate Change Top ESG Select 4.5% Decrement index. The certificate addresses security-oriented investors who consider ethical, ecological and social criteria in their investment decisions and hence are looking for a sustainable investment.


At the initial valuation date (closing price on May 31, 2023) the starting value and at the final valuation date (May 25, 2029) the final value of the underlying are determined. At the final valuation date the closing price of the final value is compared to the starting value and one of the following scenarios will apply:

1) Final value ≥ 100% of the starting value ⇒ Redemption at 135%

If the final value is greater or equal to 100% of the starting value, the certificate will be redeemed at the maturity date at 135% of the nominal value.

2) Final value < 100% of the starting value ⇒ Redemption at 112%

If the final value is below 100% of the starting value, the certificate will be redeemed at the maturity date at 112% of the nominal value.

The 112% capital protection by Raiffeisen Bank International AG only applies at the end of the term, i.e. during the term the certificate price may drop below 100%, but the investor obtains at least 112% of the nominal value at the maturity date.

Further information as well as the Key Information Document please find on the product page.

Theindex methodology (PDF) and further information on the MSCI® World Climate Change Top ESG Select 4.5% Decrement index can be found on the website of the index provider MSCI® by selecting the index in the drop-down menu.


Consideration of major adverse impacts on sustainability (PAI):

Greenhouse gas emissions             Species diversity (biodiversity)         

   Waste prevention                        Water conservation and water consumption                   

  Social, labor and human rights issues incl. corruption and bribery


For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43 1 71707 5454.

The Raiffeisen Certificates Team

Základní údaje:
  • Jméno: MSCI World Climate Change Bond 112 % II Udržitelný certifikát
  • ISIN: AT0000A33R45
  • Datum fixace: 31.05.2023
  • Splatnost: 4 roky
    (Datum splatnosti: 01.06.2029)
  • Kótováno na burze: Vídeň, Stuttgart
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