Infineon Express 3


Infineon Express 3

Opportunity for yield between 109.4% and 147.0% with a maximum term of 5 years and annually declining termination level (step-down)


This certificates complies with Raiffeisen Certificates sustainability standard and takes into account important adverse impacts on sustainability factors (Principal Adverse Impacts - PAIs for short). 
For further information please see:

The Infineon Express 3 certificate combines the opportunity to generate an attractive yield with the possibility for an early redemption. The share of Infineon share serves as underlying for the investment product without capital protection. The Express Certificate offers an attractive profit opportunity for those investors who expect the Infineon share to quote at or above the annually declining termination level within the forthcoming five years.


The certificate has a minimum term of 1 year and a maximum term of 5 years. If the closing price of the voestalpine preferred share quotes at or above the terminatin level at one of the annual valuation dates, (early) redemption is effected according to the predefined redemption price.

The longer the term is, the higher is the termination price and the lower is the termination level. If the share quotes below its termination level at the respective annual valuation date, the term extends by another year, the potential termination price rises by 10% and the annual terminal level declines by 10 percentage points.

1st year 
Termination level: 100% of starting value
                           Termination price: 109.4% of the nominal value
2nd year
Termination level: 90% of starting value
 Termination price: 118.8% of the nominal value
3rd year
Termination level: 80% of starting value
 Termination price: 128.2% of the nominal value
4th year
Termination level: 70% of starting value
 Termination price: 137.6% of the nominal value
5th year
Termination level: 60% of starting value
 Termination price: 147.0% of the nominal value

If there has been no early redemption by the last year of the term and if the price of the underlying is also below the termination level 60 % (corresponds to the barrier) on the final valuation date, physical delivery of shares is effected. Then the investor gets the Infineon shares in the amount predefined at the issue date (nominal value/strike). The difference to the integral number is paid out. In this case, the lower share price of the delivered shares may result in the loss of a major part of the capital

Further information as well as the Key Information Document please find on the product page.

Consideration of major adverse impacts on sustainability (PAI):

Greenhouse gas emissions             Species diversity (biodiversity)         

   Waste prevention                        Water conservation and water consumption                   

  Social, labor and human rights issues incl. corruption and bribery


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Základní údaje:
  • Jméno: Infineon Express 3 Udržitelný certifikát
  • ISIN: AT0000A36XA1
  • Datum fixace: 18.10.2023
  • Splatnost: min. 0,5 let, max. 3,5 roky
  • Kótováno na burze: Vídeň, Stuttgart
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