AI/Robotics Bonus&Growth 4


AI/Robotics Bonus&Growth 4

Unlimited participation in the positive index price development of Solactive® Robotics & AI EUR Index 3.5% AR with a barrier being set at 50%


As key technologies of the 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will revolutionize many industries from the ground up over the next few years. Already today, we come into contact with these technologies almost every day - often without realizing it. For example, this entire paragraph was written by an AI-based chatbot.

With this investment product AI/Robotics Bonus&Growth 4 without capital protection, investors participate at 100% and unlimited in the positive performance of the underlying index Solactive® Robotics & AI EUR Index 3.5% AR at the end of the term. The barrier of 50% of the index starting value (corresponds to a safety buffer of 50% at the issue date) serves as a protective mechanism. Provided that the barrier is never violated during the observation period, the certificate is redeemed at a minimum of 130% of the nominal amount – even if the index performance is negative at the end of the term. The certificate has a term of five years.

Payout profile: 

At the initial valuation date the closing price of the Solactive® Robotics & AI EUR Index 3.5% AR is fixed as starting value and the barrier (50% of the starting value) as well as the bonus level (130% of the starting value) are determined. At the final valuation date the closing price of the index is compared to the starting value and one of the following scenarios applies:

  • SCENARIO 1: index performance ≥ +30%

In addition to the nominal value the positive index performance is paid out at the end of the term. This applies in any case – irrespective, if the barrier was violated during the term or not.

  • SCENARIO 2: index performance < +30%

In case the Solactive® Robotics & AI EUR Index 3.5% AR index always quoted above the barrier of 50% of the starting value, redemption is effected at 130% of the nominal value. This means: if the index never declined by 50% or more during the term compared to its starting value, investors obtain the nominal value of EUR 1,300 at the maturity date.

Provided, the barrier of 50% of the Solactive® Robotics & AI EUR Index 3.5% AR starting value was touched or undercut at least once during the observation period, redemption at the maturity date is effected according to the index performance (percentage change from the starting value to the closing price at the final valuation date).

Further information as well as the Key Information Document can be found on the product detail page.

Details on this index as well as the current list of index members can further be found on the website of the index provider Solactive® AG.

For any additional information you may require do not hesitate to contact us on +43 1 71707 5454.

The Raiffeisen Certificates Team

Základní údaje:
  • Jméno: AI/Robotics Bonus&Wachstum 4
  • ISIN: AT0000A382F3
  • Datum fixace: 30.11.2023
  • Splatnost: 4 roky
    (Datum splatnosti: 01.12.2028)
  • Kótováno na burze: Vídeň, Stuttgart
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