Express certifikát Erste Group Express 6Udržitelný certifikát

ISINAT0000A3EDP8 WKNRC1E82 Podkladové aktivumErste Group Bank AG Typ produktuExpress certifikát
Splatnost28.09.2029 V úpisu do25.09.2024 Veřejná nabídka možnáRakousko, Německo, Itálie, Maďarsko, Polsko, Česká republika, Slovensko, Bulharsko, Chorvatsko, Lichtenštejnsko, Rumunsko, Slovinsko
Erste Group Express 6 Sustainable certificate
AT0000A3EDP8 Subscription to 25.09.2024
The certificate Erste Group Express 6 you have an annual yield opportunity of 10.5% as well as the option of early redemption. If the underlying is at or above the starting level on one of the annual valuation dates, (early) redemption is affected including interest of 10.5% per year of term. If the underlying quotes at or below the barrier at the end of term, ...

The certificate Erste Group Express 6 you have an annual yield opportunity of 10.5% as well as the option of early redemption. If the underlying is at or above the starting level on one of the annual valuation dates, (early) redemption is affected including interest of 10.5% per year of term. If the underlying quotes at or below the barrier at the end of term, shares are delivered; the value of the shares delivered will be significantly lower than the nominal amount of the certificate.

This certificates complies with the sustainability standard for Raiffeisen Certificates and takes into account important adverse impacts on sustainability factors ("PAIs").


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- Polsko, Maďarsko, Rumunsko, střední a východní Evropa

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